I made a new fruit with Hikaru. The name is ”melonpapa”. The taste is sweet and juicy, but the color is so strange. This is made up watermelon and papaya, and the inside like a papaya. The outside is like a watermelon. It's not so expensive, please try this.
The Ant and the Grasshopper
...Grasshopper sings in the sun. Ant works.
The story is about lazy grasshopper and diligent ant. One summer day, the grasshopper was singing, and the ant works very hard. The grasshopper saw the ant and said. "Play with me." The ant said. "I can't." The ant works for the winter, and the grasshopper always sings. Finally winter comes. The ant is happy, and the grasshopper is cold and hungry. Then the ant said to the grasshopper. "Come in!" The ant helps the grasshopper, and the grasshopper promised to work next summer. I think that the grasshopper seems as if me, so I promised to work or study in this summer too.
grasshopper; キリギリス
The amazing Spider-man 2
I watched " The amazing Spider-Man 2". This movie is new movie written by Mark Webb. The producer also made "500 days of summer". Spider-Man is Peter Parker, Andy Galfield, and Gwen Stacy is Emma Stone. This is action and romance movie. I watched " The amazing Spider-Man" in a theater. It was so fun!
56 words
56 words
The RAILWAY Children
In that happy moment, in that happy family, no one else is wanted just now.
This story is written by Ebith Nesbit. Father, mother, Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis was living happily everyday. But oneday, the father had gone away. Their mother got sick because of overwork to make a living. The family had to leave London for the country, but they wave at the London train everyday. They were sending their love for father. Where have their father gone? Will he ever come back?
word 84
peer;凝視する beg;頼む banner;横断幕 furious;怒って
bracelet;ブレスレット flutter;ヒラヒラ揺れる
Mr.Putter&Tabby Walk the Dog
”Zake is not a dream dog,” Mr. Putter said to Tabby when they woke up. ”Zake is a nightmare.”
Mr.Putter and his cat, Tabby are living next door to Mrs Teaberry and her small dog, Zake. They are happy living side by side. One day, Ms. Teaberry hurt her foot, and she was told ”No walking for a week." She said ”But who will walk my little lollypup?” So Mr.Putter decided to take care of Zake for a week. Was Zake good dog? The answer is in this book.
words 90
eggplant;ナス tug;ぐいと引っ張る nightmare; 悪魔 fudge;お菓子の名前
Memorial weekend
Today I watched " A memorial day". It was funny. This movie is with Barrymore and Adam Sandler. I want to watch this whole movie. I think that this movie makes me happy.
They were going to go to Africa, and they spend the happily time.
words 46
Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps
"Then Henry laid his head on Mudge's big chest, and finally he slept a good sleep at the strange house in the house in the dark yard in the country."
Henry and his dog, Mudge went to Henry's grandmother's house. Henry worried that Mudge might have to sleep outside. When they arrived his grandmother's house, his grandmother said to Mudge "Hello, sweetie" and hugged tight Mudge.
spit:つばをかける birdbath:水盤
words 78
Alice in Wonderland
"But of course we can talk, my dear. It there's anything worth talking to."
I read this book, because this is my favorite book. However, this time was first time to read “ Alice in Wonderland” in English. I always want to go “Wonderland”, when I read this book. If I could go wonderland, I would eat magic cake, and I would be so big!! It’s fantastic. I have this book written in Japanese, so I want to get this book written in English.
words 84
Henry and Mudge in the green time

…Henry cried, Mudge licked, and the hand hurt, but in a while, the hand stopped hurting, Henry stopped crying, and Mudge stopped licking…
As the suggest, Henry and Mudge in the Green Time is one of the books in the Henry and Mudge series. Henry and Mudge go on a picnic, because they like to do this in the summer. Henry packed some foods. In a picnic day, when they had lunch, he touched a bee, because Henry didn't see the bee on a pear. His hand hurt more and more, and he kept crying. Then Mudge sniffed and licked his face, and Henry stopped crying.
sniff :匂いを嗅ぐ lick:なめる
177 words
I'm Ayumi. Please call me Ayumin. I'm 19 years old and from Ueki. My birthday is January 23rd. I'm in orchestra, and I play the violin. I like Korean music and English music. Especially, I like Girl's Generation and EXO. They are Korean group. words 44
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