

I’ll talk about my high school teacher, Mr. Hama. He was my Japanese teacher for three years. I respect him, because he has special personalities. Before the story begin, I’ll introduce his profile. He is 42 years old, and he has taught Japanese for 25 years. He is married, and he has one daughter. So, he is not only a great teacher, but also he is great father. I think it is so difficult to be both, but he could this, because he made a lot of efforts. There is a special class in my high school. What is called it was an extracurricular class. It was held at 7:00 a.m. Everyone were getting up at about 5:30 a.m., so many people were feeling exhausted. One day, I was late for the class. According to my friend, my classmates also lacked a mind to study. So, Mr. Hama was angry, and shouted “Nothing I don’t want to teach you!!” He went to a staff room never to return. After I hear this story, I went apologizing to him, and I and he met. I said “I’m sorry for be late your class.” He said “ You don’t know anything that how I cost my family!!” I was so sorry, and I realized that even he sacrificed his family, he did his best for us. Also, I realized that he made more effort than we expected. Now, I think he is great person I had ever met before. He was always thinking us, and he was always doing his best teaching to us. I think that it is so hard to make a lot of effort toward anyone. That’s why I respect him very much. I want to see him.  

1 件のコメント:

  1. Haruka's stubbornness seems more a weakness than a strength. I wonder if there are stories in your family where her stubbornness about her ideas had a good result. The towels thing doesn't seem to have ended well...

    I wonder if Saki wasn't told by her parents that she is loved just for being their daughter. I think that sometimes people don't believe they are good unless they achieve high goals because they're afraid that people will only love them if they achieve something high. That's sad.

    Journal E = 280++ words = 7 APs!!!

    Hmmmm. I can certainly understand stress making a teacher upset at students who are sleepy and aren't trying to learn. However, I dislike the 7AM extra class system in Japan. That's a miserable time for everyone to have classes - teachers and students alike. Neither should be expected to make that unreasonable sacrifice. There IS such a thing as studying too much.

    Journal F = 280++ words = 7 APs!!!

    Mr. W.
