December 8th
I went to my violin teacher's house to take violin lesson, then it was raining, so I brought my favorite umbrella. After the lesson finished, I went to a supermarket to buy my lunch. Then I might bring the umbrella. When I went out after shopping, it was not raining, so I forgot bringing my umbrella. Unfortunately I came back university with forgetting my umbrella. I noticed that I had mislaid my umbrella in the next day. In the day's afternoon, I went to the supermarket, and I asked the shopper whether she saw and kept my umbrella. However, she didn't see and keep my umbrella. My umbrella may be stolen by someone who didn't have their umbrella in the rainy day. I was shocked, because this umbrella was my favorite and a little expensive. I regret that I didn't notice instantly. However, there is no other way in my regret, so I will take care of my property.
December 10th
I watched a movie of my favorite. This is Pretty Princes. The movie is starring Anne Hathaway. The story is so fun and cute. A high school girl is unfashionable, and she has a few friends, so she doesn't stand out and live plainly, but she lives happily and freely with her mother everyday. One day, she knew that her deceased father is prince of Genovia, fictitious country in this movie. She is the successor, and she should take lesson to be princess. The story is about the girl's growth. If you had never watched this movie, I recommend you to watch this. I'm thinking that this movie will makes you happy. I want you to watch this movie. If you watch this movie, please let me know your summary!
December 11th
I played my friends after 2nd class finished. Then I had no class after that, so I was free time. My friends will go to America and New Zealand to study in the next year, so they are studying English so hard, so the game was useful for us to improve our English skills. I wanted to go to England to study too, but my house didn't have enough money, so I gave up to go to abroad. I'm regretting about this a little, but I can study in Japan, so I will study more in Japan. Although I wander from the subject, I played my friends a English game. First, we make some cards which are written a word, for example, book, cellphone and etc. Next, one choose a card in many card, and the one explain the meaning of the word without the word. For example, if I choose ' cellphone', I will say like this, " Maybe many students have this, and we all have this. This has various color, size, function, etc." Next, the people who heard this explanation answer the word. This game is so simple, isn't it? I was so fun, and I want to play this game again with them.
December 13th
I worked for 4 hours after practice of violin. I was a little tired, but the day was busy day for our shop, so I couldn't take a rest my work. The reason why the day was busy day because of Jiba-nyan. Do you know Jiba-nyan? He is so famous and popular in Japan. He is a character of 'Youkai- Watch'. This is popular in children, so I don't know well, but I know he is so popular. In the day, a game was on sell. This game is Youkai-Watch's game, so there were many people who came to our shop to buy that game in our shop. Mostly, the customers were children with their parents, so our shop was so loud because of children's crying or fussing. This made me tired. Of course, the day's sales was so good. This was only my salvation.
December 14th
I got up so lately. It was 1 p.m. It was not "Good morning". It was "Good afternoon". I was so tired, but I regretted this. Although I wanted to take rest, but I slept too much, so I had a little headache and lassitude. Because of overslept, I couldn't do what I wanted to do, for example writing a report of American literary, finishing my homework early, and reading book. My schedule was upset, but I could cure my disease, Fukubikuen. This is called sinusitis in English. As a result, the overslept was good for me. I'm worrying about that I will be able to sleep in this night. lol
Hi Ayumi --
返信削除I understand your feeling about losing your umbrella! I often admire people who have really nice umbrellas, but I don't want to spend a lot of money on an umbrella because I'm worried that I will lose it or forget it like you did...
The score for this diary homework is 10/10